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1. To prevent or reduce eczema,

  • avoid exposure to extreme temperatures,
  • dry air,
  • harsh soaps,
  • perfumed products and
  • bubble baths.

2. Use blankets and clothing made of cotton instead of more irritating fabrics, such as wool, or stiff synthetics, such as polyester.

3. After showering or bathing, pat dry (rather than rub) so you leave a little moisture on your skin.

4. To help to prevent contact dermatitis, avoid skin contact with irritating chemicals, plants, jewelry and substances that trigger skin allergies.

5. If you have leg swelling, you can help prevent stasis dermatitis by wearing compression stockings and by elevating your legs if you sit for long periods.

6. Then apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to trap moisture in the skin. Use a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air during the winter heating season


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